Ring-tailed Possums Out during the evening and at night seen scampering across roads and up trees. Western Grey Kangaroo Common, grazing in paddocks, usually early morning or late afternoon. Echidna […]
Battunga Country contains many trails through picturebook countryside, peaceful rural villages, beautiful rural and forest views and scenic picnic spots. The Battunga Country trails connect towns, interpretative signs, history, forests, […]
Opening Hours Sundays 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (May to August) Sundays 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (September to April) or by appointment only Email prospecthill.community@gmail.com or phone (08) 8536 […]
After the discovery of gold in Victoria, many South Australians left the colony in search of the elusive “lucky strike”. In an effort to stem this mass exodus, the South […]
Experience the unique art and music of the Cheese Factory Studio Gallery. Awaken your creative side and do something completely different. Visit website for further information.
Though Kuitpo Forest is still very much a working plantation, recreational use of forestry land has been a long-established tradition both in South Australia and overseas. Kuitpo Forest is ideal […]